VEFA : why do you need to optimise your developer's plan?
Those of you who don’t want to enhance your home before it even comes out of the ground, raise your hands!
The economic considerations related to an off plan purchase in VEFA or CCMI in France must be carefully considered upstream of your project under penalty of …
When to tackle buyer modification works?
As experts in buyer modification works, we sometimes experience some frustrations.
Indeed when buyers of an off plan property in VEFA or CCMI come to consult us to advise about the optimal layout of their accommodation even though it is…
PMR Buyer Modification Works deciphered.
Insights in terms of accessibility standards in new housing can be summarised in a few key concepts: PMR accessibility standards and laws, developer discharge and simple reversibility.
We will decipher these different notions in this article in order to provide clear in-depth explanations with concrete examples to support them.
Buyer Modification Works: what cost?
Why wait 9 or 12 months for a house and 18 to 24 months for a new home to be built, if it is not to finally obtain a home that will truly meet your expectations?
When buying an off-plan apartment or house, you can choose to carry out buyer modification works. Several levels of TMA…
Buyer modification works : 7 tips to save money
Lowering the bill for buyer modification works IS possible!
When buying off-plan property, purchasers of housing purchased in the future state of completion have the option of requesting modifications from the developer.
These requests for changes to the initial plan must be made according to certain rules and with the right timing.
Buyer modification works: what about capital losses?
How about saving money by buying off plan property?
The subject of capital losses is a very controversial subject in the world of Sale in the Future State of Completion (VEFA) and construction of houses in CCMI.
VEFI: Reserved works versus buyer modification works
The VEFI designates a Sale in the Future State of Incompletion.
It is in fact a VEFA (Vente en l’Etat Futur d’Achèvement) but in a “ready to decorate” or “ready to finish” version.
Sale in the State of Future Completion with the execution of certain finishing works that the purchaser reserves for himself.
Not to be confused with Buyer Modification Works. Explanations.